Good Medicine Tea

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Crossroads, a smoky, spicy black tea

We love creating blends that split the room — either you love it, or you decidedly don't. Crossroads is a room-splitter!

A dark, smoky black tea with a hot spicy kick. This tea is now at the TOP of our "Taste Adventure" list, and it wins our Spiciest Tea award. (It's the cayenne.)

Crossroads won't just warm the cockles of your heart — it'll light them on fire!

The inspiration for Crossroads came from Alexa’s cousin, who's an actual cowboy. He loves our smoky black teas, but he also loves hot and spicy cayenne.

Travis's take on Crossroads:
"With honey it’s the perfect blend of spice and sweet, full of wonderful flavor. I’ve gotten to where I brew it first thing daily and many evenings — rather than drink a beer, I’ll brew a cup."

Full disclosure: I only drink this straight up when I’m coming down with a head cold. It’s too spicy on its own for me. But we LOVE it with milk and honey. The milk adds creaminess and slightly mellows the heat. The honey makes for a perfect sweet + spicy treat.


Alexa’s cousin, Travis, a real cowboy